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Healthcare Pricing and
Predictive Analytics

Using your organization's operational data to the best strategic advantage is the goal of Business Intelligence. Much of the value in your data requires inventive algorithmic methods to draw out effectively. Working in conjunction with your company's experts, Vertari enables deeper understanding of data in formats that are meaningful to leadership decision-makers. Using human-designed algorithms, regression models, and making use of machine learning helps your company predict likely outcomes better than your competitors. Examples of Vertari's success in this arena include:

Pricing Models - Using your organizations utilization data in conjunction with healthcare pricing based on Medicare, VA, TRICARE etc.

Heuristic Aggregations - Build visit, admission and episode counts from low-level claims data

Master Data - Consolidate multiple physician or patient identifiers to a single 'person' for deeper analysis of spending trends across healthcare systems

Machine Learning - Predictive analytic toolsets to determine patient risk and provider quality

Correlation Models - Correlation and regression models to predict costs in various healthcare settings of government contract data for bid analysis