Staff should not spend time fighting their information systems. We believe simplicity and ease of use are key to user-adoption and driving improved data quality. Simple software that streamlines staff workflow provides a win-win for users and management by giving time back to employees for more empowering work as well as capturing high-quality process data for management decision-making.
Buy vs. Build?
Whether to purchase a customizable off-the-shelf application or build software from scratch? Many processes do not require starting from first principals to achieve the desired result. Let us help you find the optimal solution for your needs. We believe in rapidly prototyping applications, or finding customizable solutions that solve needs without extensive development. Here are some example projects Vertari has led - some with software development, and some with customizable purchased or cloud applications:
Patient Tracking - Nursing home patient tracking/bed management application
Provider Contracting CRM - Track provider contracting status, automatically fax documents
Mobile Physician Charting - Allow travelling providers to enter patient notes for centralized entry into billing systems
Workload Tracking - Service department work tracking with automated document management and recipient surveys
Healthcare Pricing Models - Healthcare contracting complexity drives the need for modeling costs under various healthcare demand regimes
Healthcare Pricing Engines - Fee schedule and PPS (DRG, OPPS, Home Health etc.) comparison toolsets